Travel Ghana: 25 Best Travel Tips For Ghana

It’s now been 3-years since I started my traveling and travel blogging journey in Ghana. Honestly, I have not regretted the step I made when leaving my 9-5 job to follow my dream. You Can also start your dream any moment from now but that is not why I’m here. These are the best travel tips for Ghana to help you save money, explore safely and have a great trip to Ghana when visiting or when traveling with the country.

Curious About how to travel to Ghana or within the country? I’ve been traveling around the country for some years now as a digital nomad. Working from anywhere I go on my laptop. And I have tons of useful travel tips to share from my journey.

My travel blogging started when the covid-19 hit Ghana and there was a lockdown. Honestly, I was broke, my job was on break and was hopeless. Someone needed a plan B and is now one of the top travel bloggers in Ghana. Little did I know writing travel tips and experience can turn into a full-time job.

My experience traveling within Ghana has been a little wild and stressful. I won’t Lie, it can be a little expensive to travel within Ghana but if you find your way around most things, it can be very cheap and save. Throughout my journey – traveling to cities, towns, and villages, meeting countless people, and eating great food, I’ve learned a lot from it. Having adventures like hiking, camping, staying on water (nzulezu village), and much more – Ghana has been an amazing teacher.

In today’s article, would love to share with you some of the best travel tips to help you explore Ghana. These trips have kept me on my knee whiles travel within Ghana and I am pretty sure it will help you when although we all have our travel ways.

And it will be fun to share your own favorite travel tips in the comment at the end. It can be something that can help other readers.

Travel Tips For Ghana

Patience Is Important

My best travel advice is to be patient. Don’t worry about things you can’t control. Life is far too short to spend it constantly irritated and upset while traveling. It is very important to take your time and make all your plans before booking a flight or making a move. Make sure you have the right resources to visit any place you want to go. There is no rush.

Sometimes I plan my travel months way before I pick up my bags to make the move. With patience, you will get time to arrange all the things you need for your travel. You might end up leaving cash or your ATM card or any important travel item. I know it can be very exciting to visit your dream destination but don’t let that turn into your bad travel experience. Have patience and plan well.

Do Your Research Before Travel

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Travel can be thrilling, but it can also be stressful. It can be challenging to plan a trip anyplace in Ghana because there may be changes in security or safety while you’re away. But it’s not necessary to be. You can reduce danger, fully enjoy your trip, and make it home safely by doing your research before you leave.

Do some research before you go. Consider searching “Kumasi” on Google to see if there are any recent issues or stories concerning the location. Since local news reports are occasionally more current than those from the national media, check local television as well.

On its website, the tourism board publishes the most recent travel advice and alerts. Personally, I can also provide you with some more travel advice. You can also get town-specific details, such as the contacts for the neighborhood tour operators.

Conduct a Google search and look through the most recent news for conditions like weather or unrest that could affect your safety and security while traveling. I am not saying Ghana is not safe but who knows what can happen and not. Doing research can help you know which hotel is best and which area is close to the tourist attraction you want to see. It can help reduce costs as well.

Update friends Or Family With Your Current Location

It’s crucial for travelers to stay in touch with loved ones and inform them of their whereabouts. There is no excuse for us not to remain in continual contact because technology allows us to be connected to our loved ones at all times.

There are several apps available today that can keep you in touch. You may send text messages to anyone on your contacts list for free using a number of apps.

It’s important to keep your family and friends informed, as they will start seeking you if they haven’t heard from you in a while.

Get Travel Insurance

This might be a joke to some Ghanaians traveling witing Ghana but this is one of the best pieces of travel advice I can give any traveling within the country, especially adventure seekers. You might fall off from hiking edges or hit your head on something. People travel a lot in Ghana and every year there are stories about lost luggage at the airport, stolen or lost passports, and many other horrible travel injuries stories.

Most travelers don’t carry travel insurance because they think they’ll never need it. Then, when something goes wrong, they find out they were wrong. A 2017 survey by Allianz Global Assistance found that 90% of respondents said they’d traveled without having travel insurance, and 66% said they’d regret it.

Travel insurance is pricey, but it’s usually worth it. It’s common for insurers to charge for all sorts of unpredictable things. Your flight might be delayed, or your hotel might be overbooked. Even a missed connection could mean you have to buy a new ticket.

If something does occur, your insurance will kick in to cover any unforeseen costs.
Also, travel insurance shields you from potential threats. For instance, travel insurance can pay for the expense of purchasing clothes and toiletries until you arrive home if your luggage is lost or delayed.

No matter how remote your destination, you have some comfort that you’ll be protected if something goes wrong because it also covers the expense of emergency medical treatment.

Know How To Keep Your Money And Get And Emergency Credit Card

The most important lesson to learn is: never travel with all your money in one location. This may sound extreme, but you’d be surprised at the horror stories I’ve heard from travelers who’ve lost or had their bags/wallets stolen. And they all had their money in one bag.

This is not a travel story though – A few years ago, I was at a friend’s apartment in Madina – Accra, Ghana, and when he returned from work, he found someone had broken in and stolen everything — his laptop, cash, credit cards, etc.
He was fortunate because he was able to cancel his credit cards and call his bank to cancel the cards, but I’m sure his credit card and bank fees were quite hefty. He could have still had some money if he has saved his money in different locations in his room. But because they were all in that one place, the theft didn’t leave anything.

So it is best to have some cash in your pocket and also a handbag and have an emergency credit card in your luggage at the hotel or where you sleeping. One best advice I can also give you is to have cash on you all the time especially if you are traveling outside Accra. Other cities, towns, and villages are not familiar with the digital payment method, so it is best to carry cash often.

Always Keep An Eye On Your Belongings

it is always a good idea to keep an eye on your belongings while traveling to Ghana or within Ghana. While Ghana is generally a safe country, like anywhere else, there is always a risk of theft or pickpocketing in crowded areas, such as markets or public transport.

Here are some tips to help you keep your belongings safe while traveling in Ghana:

  • Avoid carrying large amounts of cash or valuable items with you.
  • Keep your wallet, phone, and other valuables in a secure place, such as a front pocket or a bag that you can keep close to your body.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and avoid leaving your belongings unattended in public places.
  • When traveling by taxi or public transport, keep your bags close to you and avoid displaying expensive items.
  • If you are staying in a hotel or guesthouse, use the safe to store your valuables when you are not using them.

By following these simple precautions, you can greatly reduce the risk of theft or loss of your belongings while traveling in Ghana.

Wake Up Early Or Go Early To Avoid Crowds

Get up early in the morning to beat the crowds and enjoy the top attractions all to yourself. Due to the soft diffused light, it’s also a magical time for photographs, and it’s typically simpler to engage with people getting ready for the day.

If you want to have those instagrammable pictures, then you need to get out there before everyone else shows up. If you are with a tour company travel tell them to take you to your destination before it gets crowded.

Observe Daily Life Around You

One of my favorite travel suggestions is to spend a few hours alone sitting in a park or on a busy street corner just observing daily life as it happens in front of you if you really want to feel the pulse of a place.

Slow down your thinking and concentrate on the details all around you. the noises, colors, fragrances, and interactions between people. It’s a form of meditation, and you’ll notice things you didn’t previously. This will allow you to really experience the location and remember these moments long after you have left.

Slow Down To Enjoy Your Trip

Do not attempt to fit four places into a single day of travel. When you truly take the time to investigate, all the nice things happen. You’ll discover things to do that aren’t in your travel handbook and run into folks who want to show you around.

I can genuinely claim that none of my best travel encounters took place during the first few hours of arrival. For the most satisfaction, spend more time in fewer locations. You’ll have a far better time, I guarantee it!

And when you go to Ghana, I strongly advise that you rent a car. Driving somewhere new can be a little daunting, but it also dramatically expands your options for adventure! It’s also a ton of fun.

Use Reputable Transportation Companies

It’s simple to believe that taking a ride from a stranger poses no risk. Yet, as more people use ride-sharing services, more drivers will emerge to abuse people’s confidence in them.

With this in mind, do some research online before you travel to a city or a hamlet in Ghana. Determine which taxi stands in the region have a good reputation and which ones you should avoid. When you are with a tour company, make sure you have done your search to know they are trusted.

Ask Locals For Advice

People frequently ask their friends for advice on interesting districts or must-see attractions when they vacation. Locals should be treated with the same respect. Ask for advice on which neighborhoods are safe and which are not so safe when you check in at a hotel or hostel, and mark those locations on your map that you should avoid.

The facts you learn may not be what you want to hear, but it could mean the difference between a pleasant visit and one that makes you feel frightened.

Don’t be afraid to get lost if you intend to travel alone. When traveling alone, you can find yourself in an unknown area without access to a phone to ask for instructions. That’s perfectly acceptable and a fantastic way to travel.
Of course, it’s better to have a friend or a relative close by if you find yourself lost or in danger. But just in case, it’s a good idea to ask a local for instructions.

When you ask for local advice, keep in mind that some people are more than happy to provide it, while others are less accepting. Create good rapport by asking questions about where they live, where they’re from, and what interesting experiences they’ve had. After you’ve asked a few questions, try asking a few of your own.

Take Lots Of Epic Travel Photos

Take note of this travel advice. You might only ever visit these locations and get to know these people. Take lots of pictures to preserve their memory of them. Do not be concerned about appearing like a “tourist.” The best keepsakes are beautiful photographs. They are free, simple to share, and don’t take up much room in your luggage. Take a lot of pictures of you with friends and family as well; they’ll be more valuable in the long run than your postcard pics. But keep in mind that once you’ve captured the perfect image, it’s crucial to step away from the camera and take in the scenery. You can also ask locals to help you take some photos as it is another best way to know them and they will be ready to assist you in anything especially if they notice you are friendly.

Drink Responsibly

This has to be one of the most important safety and security tips when traveling to Ghana or within Ghana. In many cities and towns in Ghana, drinking is an integral part of the local culture. From Accra to Kumasi to Takoradi, and many places in between, alcohol is considered an integral part of socializing. Of course, this also means there are often a lot of bars, pubs, and nightclubs, and this can lead to people overdoing the drinking. This can obviously be a serious safety risk, whether you’re visiting another country or city, drink responsibly.

Knowing when you’ve had enough when drinking responsibly. Before you go out, it’s a good idea to have a set, fallback plan in mind. In this manner, if you do find yourself consuming a bit more alcohol than you had planned, having a predetermined exit route will prevent you from straying too far from the reservation. But, be careful to always drink responsibly and within the law before leaving the house. While you’re at it, keep in mind that drinking alcohol while traveling to a new town or city can be risky.

Know What You Can And Cannot Eat And Drink

Even though most cities have numerous restaurants that offer a wide variety of foods, eating at street vendors can be a great way to experience local culture on a budget. However, street food is notorious for its high bacterial and pesticide contamination, which can result in severe illnesses, such as hemorrhagic fever and cholera.
This risk is even greater when you’re traveling to villages, where water can be harder to come by and hygiene standards may be lower.

In some places it’s safe to drink tap water, in others it’s not (even if the locals do). I always recommend bringing along a way to purify your water Also, be cautious about what you eat. Street food is delicious but rather buy from a vendor who is preparing the food then and there, instead of purchasing a chicken kebab that has been sitting in the sun for the past day.

Break Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Put yourself to the test by trying things that typically make you nervous. The more frequently you practice this, the more your worry will subside. Don’t hike? Take longer treks. Are you shy around strangers? Contact everyone. Fear strange foods? Eat whatever strange you can find.

When everything is already so unusual while traveling, what’s one more unfamiliar or disagreeable experience? Since nobody out here knows who you are, you can completely recreate yourself. Traveling to Ghana or within Ghana is not only Accra and the popular places. There are hidden places waiting for you to visit.

Keep An Open Mind

If other people’s lifestyles or practices differ from your own, don’t criticize them. Take time to consider opposing viewpoints. To believe your opinions are true and those of others are false is arrogant. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes and practice empathy.

Accept a variety of options, viewpoints, beliefs, traditions, and interests. Pose inquiries. You don’t have to agree with everyone, but you might be surprised by what you discover as a result of the encounters you have while traveling.

Book The Cheapest Accommodation

Accommodation can often be one of the most expensive parts of traveling within Ghana. But if you are traveling on a budget, there are also plenty of cheap accommodations around that can help you save more and travel more. It is best to book accommodation in advance on some of the top online travel agents but if you are on a tight budget, it is best to get to the destination and ask for cheap places and you can book in person. This will help you save and explore more.

Eat Local Food Frequently

When you travel, try a little bit of everything, especially if you have no idea what it is. Request recommendations from the community. eat food sold by street sellers that have long lineups outside. Eating food on the street is a great method to cut costs while traveling! I remember trying a local food called Fomfom in Takoradi even though It was my first time visiting the place and it was great. I have got sick eating some local foods whiles traveling within Ghana but I’m still not scared to try new local food. This is also another way I save whiles traveling on a budget.

Eat Away From Tourist Attractions

Restaurants conveniently located near well-known tourist destinations are almost always pricey. Try walking a few blocks away to dine at a regular restaurant rather than one that is priced exorbitantly for visitors if you want to save money on food.

Treat Your Body Well

Your body may become out of balance after travel. It can be challenging to keep up an exercise program when you’re traveling, and many of us fall behind. If we get insufficient sleep. Perhaps we consume too many cupcakes. I admit that I don’t floss my teeth. Remember to be nice to your body. Get enough sleep, stay hydrated, eat healthily, use sunscreen and exercise.

Travel By Yourself Occasionally

While traveling with friends or a tour company is a lot of fun, solo travel is when you’ll really learn about yourself and what you’re made of. Traveling solo forces you to figure things out on your own, meet new people, and tackle unfamiliar situations. 

Also, there are no restrictions or objections from other people stopping you from engaging in the travel-related activities and experiences that you actually desire to have. It’s a great approach to gaining confidence and learning new life skills.

Stay In Touch With Loved Ones

Remember to call your family & friends from time to time. Maybe surprise them with some of your travel photos ( I mean the crazy adventure pictures) Travel isn’t lonely, far from it. You constantly meet other people.

Yet, since I’m traveling alone, a lot of these new connections are temporary. There is constant movement. Thus it’s crucial for your mental health to have a close relationship with those who know you best at home.

Make Friends With Locals

Make it a point to occasionally shun other tourists and strike up conversations with locals instead. Making eye contact and smiling more is one of my top travel suggestions. Consider stopping to get directions. This is a quick way to meet new people.

Listen To Podcasts For Long Trips

The best podcasts ever. It is like having your own private radio station filled with the programs and tunes you enjoy most. I never imagined that I would genuinely enjoy a 10-hour bus ride. Well, it’s doable with podcasts (as long as the seats are comfortable, that is)! As you listen to captivating expert interviews, enjoyable music, or amazing narrative, time will pass quickly.

Write Or Make Videos About Your Travel

This is the best travel advice I can give to anyone reading this. It is best to start a travel blog or a youtube channel for your travel experience. You can make money whiles you are traveling within Ghana or anywhere in the world. You can write or make a video about your experience in Boti fall or it can be a guide to also help people to explore.

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